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Professional Medical Diagnostic & Treatments Services

Based on our core value, "Love God, Love People & Respect Life", we serve everyone in the purpose of spreading God's love through excellence in medical service, health promotion & holistic total care. We have more than a hundred physician specialists and over a thousand paramedical professionals, including nurses, technicians, & administrative personnel on staff to put their learning into practice, promoting the healing science & art in cardiovascular, critical/emergency, internal medicine, surgery obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics and all the related specialties, plus, adolescent & women's health care, geriatric care etc. to provide comprehensive & high quality medical care for all members of your family.

1. Neuroscience Center

The Neuroscience Center offers various services such as coordinated services of neurology, neurosurgery, radiology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, rehabilitation & pathology departments. We also provide a wide range of diagnostic tests such as EEG, EMG, nerve conduction tests, & Doppler check for blood vessels of the head & neck. We even have a special memory clinic with neuropsychiatric evaluation for dementia patients, and special clinics for Parkinson patients & patients suffering from dizziness.

2. Cardio-Vascular Center

It coordinates special services of cardiovascular medicine & surgery, offering cardiac function test lab, with cardiac catheterization & coronary artery balloon dilatation & stent placement treatments. These diagnostic and treatment modalities are provided by highly qualified specialists & state of the art equipment.

3.Emergency & Critical Care Center

As a designated hospital in the emergency services network, we continually upgrade the level of our emergency & critical care staff & equipment, providing 24-hour services for people needing medical, surgical, neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, infant & newborn intensive care. Our social workers & pastoral care workers are always available to assist patients, their family members & the needy with our holistic-care services.

4. Women, Children & Young Adult Health Care & Health Promotion Services

We designated a special "women & youth" care area, to coordinate the clinical specialist services of ob-gynecology, pediatrics, & breast diseases. In addition to the usual clinical care, we actively promote early intervention, mother-child bonding, pelvic & breast cancer screening & treatment etc. As continuity of care we have a Creighton Model Natural Procreation Fertility Center, 5-star LDR birthing unit & postpartum care center for the holistic care of mothers & babies.

5. Community, Family & Geriatric Medicine

To provide comprehensive care, we integrated community medicine and family medicine into one department, comprising a strong team of physician specialists, nurses, social & pastoral care workers, psychologists etc. The geriatric unit & palliative care (St. Joseph Hospice) unit have been renovated recently, demonstrating our firm purpose to respect life & to promote the dignity of life in service to our community.

Last Updated: 2024/01/31
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 Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital 
 TEL: 886-2-29286060 / Register TEL:886-2-29251405 
 ADDRESS: No.80, Zhongxing St., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan