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Medical Evangelization

Our Pastoral Care department work well to provide our patients,patients families, and our co-workers, with the extra mile care based on our 4-principles of holistic care. They provide spiritual & religious care, plus Sacraments, prayers & bereavement counseling. They help people to find the meaning of life & death, the value of suffering, and spread the good news of God's love to everyone.

We zealously promote clinical pastoral education (CPE) and provide clinical training for professional & volunteer pastoral care workers in health care services.

We even have a charity fund to help families of patients through financial emergencies during their hospitalization.

Last Updated: 2024/01/31
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 Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital 
 TEL: 886-2-29286060 / Register TEL:886-2-29251405 
 ADDRESS: No.80, Zhongxing St., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan