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Care for the Weak & Needy

In realizing our 4 principles of holistic care, we have Taiwan's 1st licensed Nursing Home to care for the sick elderly, a Day Care Center for the elderly, a community psychiatric rehabilitation center, all at the Hospital.

We manage, in Christian spirit, a government-sponsored retirement home for the elderly. We also provide daily medical clinic care for the dwellers in 3 villages in the nearby mountains.

Social Work Department

With the spirit of the four principles of Cardinal Tien Hospital, the Social Work Department has been empowering patients and their families with socioeconomic, emotional, sand community- long term-care supports.

Social Work Department provides various services:

1. Individuals/families counseling

2. Case management

3. Volunteer-services management

4. Economic/family evaluation

5. Supporting medical staff ¡Vpatients/families communication

6. Senior citizens care

7. People with mental or physical disabilities support

8. Advocating, providing health care, and helping rebuild communities for ethnic minority groups

9. Connecting individuals/families with social resources in order to enlarge their supporting network.

10. Fund raising for people in needs

11. Feedback management

Last Updated: 2024/01/31
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 Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital 
 TEL: 886-2-29286060 / Register TEL:886-2-29251405 
 ADDRESS: No.80, Zhongxing St., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan