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Education and Research ¡X Ever improve our expertise always share your experience

As the teaching hospital for Fu Jen University (FJU) and Cardinal Tien College of Health & Management, Cardinal Tien Hospital is responsible for training medical students, interns, and residents in the FJU School of Medicine. As the training ground for FJU, Cardinal Tien Hospital also provides internship opportunities for FJU students and graduate students from other institutions in medicine-related fields. By using both theoretical and clinical curriculums, Cardinal Tien Hospital is determined to make improvements in its quality in education, research opportunities, and medical services.

In order to improve the quality of the education of the hospital, the Education and Research Department was established in the year of 2000 to obtain a more flexible budget for laboratory and instructional equipments.

In 2005, the Education and Research Department successfully established the Cardinal Tien Medical Research Center. With its general laboratory areas, culture room, and animal center, the center have completed numerous large-scale research projects and published several papers on scientific journals. In 2006 the department also established the Clinical Skill Center, Simulator Ward, Evidence-Based Medicine Seminars to improve the quality of interns, residents, nurses, paramedical students, and other staffs involved in the medical operations of the hospital. In 2007, the Education and Research Department then introduced the E-Learning System to the hospital in preparation to transform Cardinal Tien into a High-stake Objective Structured Clinical Examination(High-stake OSCE)venue .

In 2002, the Education and Research Department started to receive funds to generate research opportunities in the hospital. Since 2002, Cardinal Tien staffs could submit their experiment proposals to apply for funds and financial aids to support their research. Then in 2006, the research center received funds from the National Science Council (NSC) to form its financial foundation. In that same year the Cardinal Tien Animal Experiment Administration Team was recognized as a qualified management unit by the Council of Agriculture .

In 2003 Cardinal Tien Hospital initiated the Postgraduate Year 1 Resident Training Program and is now the primary training hospital. In 2007, the hospital initiated the Program of Teaching Quality Improvement in Teaching Hospitals to train staffs in medical-related fields and passes the New Teaching Hospital Accreditation-Qualified to provide long-term training curriculums for M.D interns. The Education and Research Department also incorporated the contents of the six general competencies by ACGME(Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education), Health Matrix, and the Four Box Method developed by the University of Washington, into Cardinal Tien¡¦s curriculums to synchronize its medical trainings with those of the international medicine community.

The hospital uses exams, interviews, and clinical simulations to assess the quality of its M.D residents, interns, and other medical personnel. The assessments include Mini-CEX(Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise), DOPS(Direct Observation of Procedural Skills), CbD(Case-based Discussion), and OSCE(Objective Structured Clinical Examination).

To elevate the quality of the hospital instructors, the Education and Research Department encourage the Cardinal Tien staffs to be part of fellowship programs and research publications. Since June 2011, Cardinal Tien Hospital has forty six lecturers, five assistant professors, eleven associate professors, and six professors. Ninety percent of the Cardinal Tien M.Ds are also qualified instructors.

In the future, Cardinal Tien Hospital will continue to improve the quality of its instructors as well as the quality of its research publications.

Last Updated: 2024/01/31
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 Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital 
 TEL: 886-2-29286060 / Register TEL:886-2-29251405 
 ADDRESS: No.80, Zhongxing St., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan