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:::About CTH

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1.Vision: Love God, Love People and Respect life

2.Mission: Transmit God's Love through Medical Care and Health Improvement. Establish a role model of Holistic Care, promoting Love of Christian Spirit.

I. To be a model of Holistic Health Care (according to our 4-principles).

II. To provide our medical services quality (comparable to Taiwan Medical Center level).

III.To be a model of Catholic Hospital.

4.Four Principles of Holistic Care:
Care for the Whole Person¡X A comprehensive care for the body, mind and spiritual needs of our patients.

Care for the Whole Journey¡X The persistent care that includes a patient's birth, old age, sickness and death.

Care for the Whole Family¡X A family-centered care which is not only for our patients but also their whole families.

Care from the Whole Team¡X Through the cooperation of our span-professional team, we provide high quality services to our patients.

Last Updated: 2024/01/31
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 Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital 
 TEL: 886-2-29286060 / Register TEL:886-2-29251405 
 ADDRESS: No.80, Zhongxing St., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan