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:::About CTH

Hospital Introduction | CIS of Love & Tolerance | Mission Statement | Award & Accreditation

  • Care & Trust: This is the new image of our modern medical care which is the spirit of CTH.

  • Love: Loving God and His People are our eternal goals.

  • An open heart: Represent Tolerance, Acceptance, and the continuing Holistic Care of CTH.

  • Crucifix: Symbolizes the Unselfish Love and Dedication of Christ which is the source of our happiness.

  • Hue: Turquoise color represents complete and comfortable care; warm colors represent our humane care

  • Simple geometric patterns: Represent modernization and top quality medical care of CTH

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    Last Updated: 2024/01/31
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     Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital 
     TEL: 886-2-29286060 / Register TEL:886-2-29251405 
     ADDRESS: No.80, Zhongxing St., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan